Publications Scientifiques Principales

  1. Y. Moursy, H. Zou, R. Iskander, P. Tisserand, D. M. Ton, G. Pasetti, Eh. Seebacher, A. Steinmair, Th. Gneiting, H. Alius : “Towards Automatic Diagnosis of Minority Carriers Propagation Problems in HV/HT Automotive Smart Power ICs”, Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) 2016 Conference, Dresde, Germany (2016).
  2. H. Zou, Y. Moursy, R. Iskander, J. P. Chaput, M. M. Louërat : “An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Strategy of Substrate Modeling for Smart Power ICs”, 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Montreal, Canada, pp. 2358-2361 (2016).
  3. Y. Moursy, R. Khalil, S. Lecce, V. Poletto, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “Mixed-Signal PI Controller in Current-Mode DC-DC Buck Converter for Automotive Applications”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'16), Montréal, Canada, pp. 1610-1613, (IEEE) (2016).
  4. Y. Moursy, H. Zou, R. Khalil, R. Iskander, P. Tisserand, D. M. Ton, G. Pasetti, M. M. Louërat : “Efficient Substrate Noise Coupling Verification and Failure Analysis Methodology for Smart Power ICs in Automotive Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (2016).
  5. H. Zou, Y. Moursy, R. Iskander, A. Steinmair, H. Gensinger, Eh. Seebacher, J. P. Chaput, M. M. Louërat : “Using CAD Tool for Substrate Parasitic Modeling in Smart Power Technology”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, pp. 2323-2333, (IEEE) (2016).
  6. R. Iskander, F. Javid, M. M. Louërat : “Is there a chance that computers understand analog design?”, 2nd Workshop Design Automation for Understanding Hardware Designs (DUHDe), Grenoble, France (2015).
  7. A. Malak, Y. Li, R. Iskander, F. Durbin, F. Javid, M. M. Louërat, A. Tissot, J. M. Guebhard : “Fast multidimensional optimization of analog circuits initiated by monodimensional global Peano explorations”, Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 48, pp. 198-212, (Elsevier) (2015).
  8. H. Zou, Y. Moursy, R. Iskander, J. P. Chaput, M. M. Louërat, C. Stefanucci, P. Buccella, M. Kayal, J. M. Sallese, Th. Gneiting, H. Alius, A. Steinmair, Eh. Seebacher : “A CAD integrated solution of substrate modeling for industrial IC design”, 2015 20th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW), Paris, France (2015)
  9. Y. Moursy, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “Automated triangular wave generator design with process corners compensation”, Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW), 2015 20th International, Paris, France, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2015).
  10. C. Stefanucci, P. Buccella, Y. Moursy, H. Zou, R. Iskander, M. Kayal, J. M. Sallese : “Substrate modeling to improve reliability of high voltage technologies”, 20th International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW), 2015, Paris, Paris, France (2015).
  11. H. Zou, Y. Moursy, R. Iskander, C. Stefanucci, P. Buccella, M. Kayal, J. M. Sallese : “Substrate noise modeling with dedicated CAD framework for smart power ICs”, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) n°1554, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 4 (2015).
  12. Y. Li, H. Zou, Y. Moursy, R. Iskander, R. Sobot, M. M. Louërat : “Optimization and Co-Simulation of an Implantable Telemetry System by Linking System Models to Nonlinear Circuits”, chapter in Computational Intelligence in Analog an Mixed-Signal (AMS) and Radio-Frequency (RF) Circuit Design, pp. 83-113, (Springer) (2015).
  13. H. Zou, Y. Moursy, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat, J. P. Chaput : “A novel CAD framework for substrate modeling”, 10th Conference on Ph.D Research in Microelectronics and electronics, Grenoble, France, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) (2014).
  14. Y. Li, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “Modeling, Design and Verification Platform using SystemC-AMS”, 15th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, ISQED 2014, Santa Clara, CA, United States, pp. 39-46, (IEEE) (2014).
  15. Y. Li, R. Iskander, F. Javid, M. M. Louërat : “A Design and Verification Methodology for Mixed-Signal Systems Using SystemC-AMS”, chapter in Models, Methods, and Tools for Complex Chip Design, vol. 265, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pp. 89-108, (Springer) (2014).
  16. Y. Moursy, S. Afara, P. Buccella, C. Stefanucci, R. Iskander, M. Kayal, J. M. Sallese, M. M. Louërat, J. P. Chaput, M. Thomas Tomasevic , S. Ben Dhia, A. Boyer, B. Guegan, V. Poletto, A. Roggero, T. Cavioni, E. Novarini, Eh. Seebacher, A. Steinmair, P. Tisserand, D. M. Ton, Th. Bousquet, Th. Gneiting : “AUTOMICS: A novel approach for substrate modeling for Automotive applications”, 18th IEEE European Test Symposium, Avignon, France (2013).
  17. F. Javid, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat, F. Durbin : “A Structured DC Analysis Methodology for Accurate Verification of Analog Circuits”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Beijing, China, pp. 2662-2665, (IEEE) (2013).
  18. R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat, A. Kaiser : “Hierarchical sizing and biasing of analog firm intellectual properties”, Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 46 (2), pp. 172-188, (Elsevier) (2013).
  19. F. Javid, S. Youssef, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “A Designer-Assisted Analog Synthesis Flow”, chapter in Analog/RF and Mixed-Signal Circuit Systematic Design, vol. 233, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pp. 123-148, (Springer) (2013).
  20. F. Javid, R. Iskander, F. Durbin, M. M. Louërat : “Analog Circuits Sizing Using the Fixed Point Iteration Algorithm with Transistor Compact Models”, International Journal of Microelectronics and Computer Science, vol. 3 (1), pp. 7-14, (Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science (DMCS) of Technical University of Łódź) (2012).
  21. Y. Li, R. Iskander, F. Javid, M. M. Louërat : “A Unified Platform for Design and Verification of Mixed-Signal Systems Based on SystemC-AMS”, Forum on specification & Design Languages, FDL 2012, Vienna, Austria, pp. 75-82 (2012).
  22. F. Javid, S. Youssef, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “A Designer Centric Analog Synthesis Flow”, Colloque GDR SOC-SIP, Paris, France, pp. 1-2 (2012).
  23. Y. Li, R. Iskander, F. Javid, M. M. Louërat : “An Interface between System-level and Circuit-level for Design of Mixed-Signal Systems”, Colloque GDR SOC-SIP, Paris, France, pp. 1-2 (2012).
  24. F. Javid, R. Iskander, F. Durbin, M. M. Louërat : “Analog Circuits Sizing Using the Fixed Point Iteration Algorithm with Transistor Compact Models”, 19th IEEE International Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems Conference (MIXDES), Warsaw, Poland, pp. 45-50 (2012).
  25. F. Javid, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat, D. Dupuis : “Analog Circuits Sizing Using Bipartite Graphs”, IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Seoul, Korea, Republic of, pp. 1-4 (2011).
  26. S. Youssef, D. Dupuis, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “Routing Methodology For Nanometric Analog CMOS Devices”, Colloque GDR SOC SIP, Lyon, France, pp. 1-2 (2011).
  27. S. Youssef, D. Dupuis, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “A Stack-Based Routing Methodology For Nanometric CMOS Devices”, IEEE MOS-AK/GSA Workshop, Paris, France, pp. 1-2 (2011).
  28. R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “Hierarchical Sizing and Biasing of Analog Firm Intellectual Properties”, IEEE MOS-AK/GSA Workshop, Paris, France, pp. 1-2 (2011)
  29. F. Javid, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat, D. Dupuis : “Using Compact MOS Models for Hierarchical Sizing and Biasing of Analog IPs”, IEEE MOS-AK/GSA Workshop, Paris, France, pp. 1-2 (2011).
  30. S. Youssef, F. Javid, D. Dupuis, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “A Python-Based Layout-Aware Analog Design Methodology For Nanometric Technologies”, IEEE 6th International Design and Test Workshop (IDT), Beyrouth, Lebanon, pp. 62-67 (2011).
  31. S. Youssef, D. Dupuis, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “A Stack-Based Routing Methodology For Nanometric Analogue CMOS Devices”, The IEEE Virtual Worldwide Forum For PhD Researchers in Electronic Design Automation, (VW FEDA), Southampton, United Kingdom, pp. 1-6 (2011).
  32. S. Youssef, F. Javid, D. Dupuis, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “A Seamless Representation for Coupling Transistor Sizing with Nanometric CMOS Layout Generation”, 20th European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), Linkoping, Sweden, pp. 341-344 (2011).
  33. S. Youssef, D. Dupuis, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “Automatic Stress Effects Computation Based On A Layout Generation Tool For Analog IC”, 2010 IEEE International Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conference (BMAS 2010), San Jose, CA, United States, pp. 7-12 (2010).
  34. R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat, A. Kaiser : “Design and Analysis of Analog Firm IPs using Hierarchical Sizing and Biasing Methodology”, ESSDERC European Solid-State Device Research Conference, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-2 (2009).
  35. F. Javid, R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat : “Simulation-Based Hierarchical Sizing and Biasing of Analog Firm IPs”, IEEE International Behavioral Modeling and Simulation Conference (BMAS), San Jose, California, United States, pp. 43-48, (IEEE) (2009).
  36. R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat, A. Kaiser : “Automatic DC operating point computation and design plan generation for analog IPs”, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 56 (1-2), pp. 93-105, (Springer Verlag) (2008).
  37. R. Iskander, M. M. Louërat, A. Kaiser, D. Galayko : “Knowledge-Aware Synthesis Using Hierarchical Graph-Based Sizing and Biasing”, 50th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Montréal, Québec, Canada, pp. 984-987, (IEEE) (2007).
  38. R. Iskander, M. M. Rosset Louërat, A. Kaiser : “Hierarchical Graph-Based Sizing for Analog Cells Through Reference Transistors”, PRIME IEEE Conference on Ph.D. Research in MicroElectronics and Electronics Winner of the Bronze Leaf Certificate, Otranto, Italy, pp. 321-324, (IEEE) (2006).
  39. R. Iskander, P. Nguyen Tuong, L. De Lamarre, V. Bourguet, M. M. Louërat, A. Greiner : “Automated Hierarchical Knowledge-Based Synthesis for Analog Cells using CAIRO+”, Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE'2006), Munich, Germany (2006).
  40. R. Iskander, M. M. Rosset Louërat, A. Kaiser : “Automatic Biasing Point Extraction and Design Plan Generation for Analog IPs”, MWSCAS 2005 - 48th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, pp. 907-910, (IEEE) (2005).


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